When a 5L barrel is filled with edible oil, and the density of edible oil in the barrel is 0.9 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179;, the mass of edible oil is 4.5kg. If 50ml of oil is used in one cooking, the mass of residual oil in the barrel is 4.45kg, and the volume is 4.5kg___________ .

When a 5L barrel is filled with edible oil, and the density of edible oil in the barrel is 0.9 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179;, the mass of edible oil is 4.5kg. If 50ml of oil is used in one cooking, the mass of residual oil in the barrel is 4.45kg, and the volume is 4.5kg___________ .

This problem is not accurate. According to the quality of remaining oil, the volume of oil in the barrel is 4.45/900 * 1000 = 4.944l; according to the simple volume subtraction calculation, the volume of oil in the barrel is 5-0.05 = 4.95l. Therefore, 50ml is used in the problem, and 4.455kg is left in the barrel. If the brain turns sharply, the volume of the barrel will not change

The density of edible oil is 0.85kg/m3, what is the quality of edible oil in 5L bottle?
I can't do it

Petroleum density 0.85kg/m3 power = 0.85kg/l ﹥ M = PV = 0.85kg/l × 5 = 4.25kg/l

How many kilogram can a 2.5L plastic bottle hold water? How much alcohol can it hold? (1L = 1dm3)

Water: 2.5L * 1kg / L = 2.5kg
Alcohol: 2.5L * 0.8kg/l = 2kg

A plastic bottle with a volume of 2.5L, how many kg can it hold water at most? How many kg can it hold wine with a density of 0.8g per cubic centimeter at most?
Everybody help, really urgent ah, thank you!

Water loading: M = ρ v = 1 * 10 ^ 3 * 2.5 * 10 ^ - 3 = 2.5kg
Filling material: M '= ρ' v = 0.8 * 10 ^ 3 * 2.5 * 10 ^ - 3 = 2kg