Passenger cars and freight cars depart from both sides at the same time. Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour, and freight cars travel 1 / 15 of the whole journey per hour, When we meet, the distance ratio between the two vehicles is 5:4. How many kilometers are there between a and B? Please calculate by equation and arithmetic

Passenger cars and freight cars depart from both sides at the same time. Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour, and freight cars travel 1 / 15 of the whole journey per hour, When we meet, the distance ratio between the two vehicles is 5:4. How many kilometers are there between a and B? Please calculate by equation and arithmetic

1. Speed of truck: 60 × 4 / 5 = 48 km / h
The whole journey: 48 △ 1 / 15 = 720km
2. The whole solution is x km

The bus and the truck leave from a and B at the same time. The bus is 60 kilometers per hour, and the truck is 1 / 15 of the whole journey per hour. When they meet at 5:4, how far is the distance between the two places?
There should be explanations

Meet at 5:4
Then the speed ratio is 5; 4, so the truck speed is 60 △ 5 × 4 = 48 km / h
So the distance between the two places is 48 (1 / 15) = 720km

A passenger car and a freight car leave from a and B cities at the same time. It is known that the passenger car travels 60 kilometers per hour, and the speed of the freight car is 80% of that of the passenger car. After 3 hours, the speed of the freight car is 80%,
The ratio of the distance between the two cars and the rest is 3:2. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities?

The distance between the two cities is 540 km

Passenger cars travel 80 kilometers per hour, freight cars 95 kilometers per hour, two cars from
After 2.4 hours, the distance between the two cities is 580 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities

Distance = 580-2.4 (80 + 95) = 580-420 = 160 km

Cars travel 80 kilometers per hour, trucks 60 kilometers per hour, and cars are 70 kilometers apart after a few hours

There are two cases
(350-70) / (80 + 60) = 2 (hours)
(350 + 70) / (80 + 60) + 3 (hours)

The car and the truck set out at the same time from two places 350 kilometers away, and they went in opposite directions. The car traveled 80 kilometers per hour, and the truck drove 80 kilometers per hour
Travel 60 kilometers per hour, and the two cars are 70 kilometers apart after a few hours

(350-70) / (80 + 60) = 2 hours
Two hours later, they were 70 kilometers apart

The car and the truck set out at the same time, 350 kilometers apart. After 2.5 hours, they met. The car travels 80 kilometers per hour, and the truck travels 80 kilometers per hour?

350 divided by 2.5 = 140 (relative velocity)
140-80 = 60 (truck speed)

The car is 100 kilometers per hour, and the truck is 80 kilometers per hour. When they meet each other, they travel 30 kilometers more. A few hours later, they meet

30 (100-80) = 1.5 hours

The two cars are going from place a to place B at the same time. The car travels 120 kilometers per hour and the truck 80 kilometers per hour,
When the car runs 200 kilometers more than the truck, the truck just runs 40% of the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

40% of the whole journey took x hours
That is: 40% of the whole journey took 5 hours
80 × 5 = 400 (km)
The distance between a and B: 400 △ 40% = 1000 (km)

1. The car runs 100 kilometers per hour, 4 hours from a to B. the truck runs 80 kilometers per hour, how many hours can it reach?
2. Xiaoqiang and Xiaojie compete to roll the hoop. Xiaoqiang's hoop diameter is 42cm, rolling forward 16 times per minute. Xiaojie's hoop diameter is only 35cm. If you want to win Xiaoqiang, how many laps should Xiaojie's hoop roll at least per minute?
3. If you use a square carpet to lay the floor, if you use a carpet with a side length of 4 DM, you need 500 pieces. If you use a carpet with a side length of 6 DM to lay the floor, how many pieces of carpet do you need?
4. When an airplane flies between two cities, it takes 5 hours and 30 minutes to go downwind and 6 hours to go upwind. The known wind speed is 24 kilometers per hour, so the distance between two cities can be calculated
Do it with the scale equation
() must be () in proportion to ()

1. 100x4 / 80 = 5 hours
2. 42x16 / 35 = 19.2 turns
3. 4x4x500 / (6x6) ≈ 222.222 ≈ 23 (take integer)
4. S / (x + 24) = 5.5, S / (x-24) = 6. X = 552. S = 3168km. The distance between the two cities is 3168km
A certain distance is in inverse proportion to time
Let the aircraft speed be: X, the downwind speed be: (x + 24), and the upwind speed be: (x-24),
Distance between two cities: S = (x-24) * 6 = (x + 24) * 5.5