The distance between a and B is 160 kilometers. A car travels 60 kilometers from a to B in 3 / 4 hours. At this speed, how many hours does it take to complete the whole journey?

The distance between a and B is 160 kilometers. A car travels 60 kilometers from a to B in 3 / 4 hours. At this speed, how many hours does it take to complete the whole journey?

It takes x hours,

The distance between a and B is 160 kilometers. A car from a to B travels 60 kilometers in three fourths of an hour. At this speed, how many hours does it take to complete the whole journey?

60 △ 3 / 4 = 80 (km / h)
160 △ 80 = 2 (hours)
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The distance between a and B is 510 km. A car drives from a to B, and travels 170 km in 2 hours. At this speed, it will arrive at B in a few hours
To solve by proportion

We'll be there in X hours
(510-170):x = 170:2
340 :x = 170:2
170x= 340×2
170x = 680
A: it's still four hours away

-1 + 3-5 + 7-9 + 11 -. - 97 + 99 needs a process

-1+3-5+7-9+11-.-97+99=(-1+3)+(-5+7)+(-9+11)…… +(-97+99)=2+2+2…… +2=2×25=50
There are 50 odd numbers from 1 to 100, and the odd number is divided by 2, which is 25 groups

Calculation: 100-99 + 98-97 + 96-95 + +2-1.

The original formula = (100-99) + (98-97) + (96-95) + +(2-1)=1+1+… +1=50.

When the two cars meet, the bus takes 60% of the whole journey, and the truck is 240 kilometers away from the terminal
It is known that it takes 20 hours for a bus to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers per hour does a bus travel?

When the two cars meet, the bus runs 60% of the whole journey, and the truck is 240 kilometers away from the terminal
The distance between the freight car and the destination = the distance between the passenger car and the destination
So the whole journey = 240 △ 60% = 400 km
Bus speed = 400 △ 20 = 20 km / h
A: buses travel 20 kilometers per hour
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The two passenger and freight cars leave each other from sheet a and sheet B. they meet each other in 5 hours. When they meet, they are 50 kilometers away from the destination. It is known that the speed of the passenger car is 1 / 4 faster than that of the freight car. The distance between the two places can be calculated
Both cars are 50 kilometers away from the destination

S = 50 + 5 * (50 / 5) * (1 + 1 / 4) = 112.5, or S = 50 + 5 * (50 / 5) * (1-1 / 4) = 87.5

It takes six hours for passenger cars to travel from place a to place B, and 90 kilometers per hour for freight cars to travel from place B to place A. now, passenger and freight cars travel from both places at the same time
When we meet, the distance ratio between bus and truck is 7:5. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B? Fast~~~

Bus speed = 90 △ 5 × 7 = 126 km / h
Distance = 126 × 6 = 756km

Six hours later, the distance between the bus and B is 18 kilometers, and the distance between the bus and B is 54 kilometers. It is known that the bus travels 15 kilometers more per hour than the truck. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 384 km

When the passenger and freight cars travel from place a to place B at the same time, when the passenger cars travel 4 / 5 of the whole journey and the freight cars travel 2 / 3 of the whole journey, the distance between the two cars is 18 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

18 / (4 / 5-2 / 3) = 135 km
Therefore, the distance between a and B is 135 km