The distance between a and B is 264km. The time ratio of freight cars and buses from a to B is 5:6. Freight cars and buses run from a and B at the same time. After 1.5 hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers do the two cars travel when they meet

The distance between a and B is 264km. The time ratio of freight cars and buses from a to B is 5:6. Freight cars and buses run from a and B at the same time. After 1.5 hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers do the two cars travel when they meet

264 △ 1.5 = 176 (km / h) speed and speed of passenger cars and freight cars
The time ratio is 5:6, and the speed ratio is 6:5
6 + 5 = 11 truck speed 176 × 6 / 11 = 96 (km / h) 96 × 1.5 = 144 (km)
Bus speed 176 × 5 / 11 = 80 (km / h) 80 × 1.5 = 120 (km)

It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and it takes 1 / 5 more time for a truck to go from place B to place a than for a bus
How many hours does it take for a truck to go from place B to place a? If two trucks start from two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions, how many hours can they meet?

1. 10 × 1 / 5 + 10 = 12 (hours)
2. Set the distance as 1 and the time as X

It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, which is one sixth less than that for a truck. How many hours does it take for a truck to go from place B to place a!

In "the time required for passenger cars to travel from place B to place a is one sixth less than that for freight cars", the time required for freight cars to travel from place B to place a is unit 1. The time required for passenger cars to travel from place B to place a is 1 / 6 less than unit 1, that is, 1-1 / 6 = 5 / 6. 5 / 6 of the time required for freight cars to travel from place B to place a is 10 hours, The time required for the truck to go from place B to place a is: 10 △ 5 / 6 = 12 hours
10 ÷ (1-1 / 6) = 12 hours

A bus from a to B, 3 hours, 4 / 5 of the whole line, a truck from B to a, 2 hours, 2 / 5 of the whole line
A passenger car takes 4 / 5 of the whole journey from place a to place B in 3 hours, and a freight car takes 2 / 5 of the whole journey from place B to place a in 2 hours. At this speed, two passenger and freight cars start from two places at the same time. When they meet on the way, the passenger car takes 48 kilometers more than the freight car. How many kilometers are there between a and B,

Suppose that the speed of passenger car and freight car is respectively x, y, distance Z and the time t from departure to meeting at the same time
Write the equations 3 * x = (4 / 5) * Z
The simultaneous solution of the first three equations T will be brought into the last equation. The simultaneous solution of equation 124 is Z = 336 km

From place a to place B, it takes four hours for buses and five hours for trucks. What is the time ratio between buses and trucks______ :______ What is the speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars______ :______ .

(1) According to the meaning of the ratio, the time ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 4:5. (2) (1 / 4): (1 / 5) = 14:15 = 5:4

A passenger train departs from place a to place B, and a freight train departs from place B to place A. after 12 hours, the passenger train is 14 kilometers away from place B, and the freight train is more than 50 kilometers. It is known that the passenger train travels 18 kilometers more per hour than the freight train. How many kilometers is the distance between place a and place B?

If the speed of freight car is x kilometers per hour, then the speed of passenger car is x + 18 kilometers per hour, then the 12 hour journey of freight car and passenger car is 12x and 12 (x + 18) respectively. According to the 14 hour journey between the passenger car and B after 12 hours, and the freight car is more than 50 kilometers from the midpoint, we can get [12 (x + 18)] / (12x-50

The truck and bus run from a and B at the same time. The truck runs 35 kilometers per hour and the bus 40 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

(35 + 40) × 4 = 75 × 4 = 300 (km) a: the distance between a and B is 300 km

The truck and bus run from a and B at the same time. The truck runs 35 kilometers per hour and the bus 40 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

(35 + 40) × 4 = 75 × 4 = 300 (km) a: the distance between a and B is 300 km

The freight car and passenger car leave from a and B at the same time. The freight car travels 35 kilometers per hour, and the passenger car 40 kilometers per hour. Four hours later, the two cars meet and ask for a
How many kilometers does B get together?

=300 km

The distance between a and B is 540 km. The bus and freight car leave from a and B at the same time. The bus travels 75 km per hour, one fourth faster than the freight car. When will they meet

Truck speed:
75 ÷ (1 + 1 / 4) = 60 (km)
Meeting time:
=4 (hours)