A. B two cars leave from station a and station B at the same time. For the first time, the two cars meet 32 kilometers away from station A. after meeting, the two cars continue to drive. After arriving at station B and station a respectively, they immediately return along the original road. For the second time, they meet 64 kilometers away from station A. so how many kilometers are there between station a and station B?

A. B two cars leave from station a and station B at the same time. For the first time, the two cars meet 32 kilometers away from station A. after meeting, the two cars continue to drive. After arriving at station B and station a respectively, they immediately return along the original road. For the second time, they meet 64 kilometers away from station A. so how many kilometers are there between station a and station B?

(32 × 3 + 64) △ 2 = (96 + 64) △ 2 = 160 △ 2 = 80 (km) a: the distance between station a and station B is 80 km

Party A and Party B are facing each other from ab at the same time. They meet at a distance of 12 kilometers from B, and then continue to move forward. When they arrive at AB, they return immediately. On the way, they are 10 kilometers away from a
Meet at kilometer, find the distance between two meeting places

In the first encounter, B walked 12 kilometers, and in the second encounter, B walked 12 * 2 = 24 kilometers, that is, B walked 12 + 24 = 36 kilometers in total,
Because B walked another 10 kilometers away from AB, AB was 36-10 = 26 kilometers away, so the two meeting places were 26-10-12 = 4 kilometers away

Party A and Party B respectively travel from two places of AB to each other. When they get together, a is 120 kilometers away. After meeting, they continue to move forward. When they arrive at their destination, they return to 150 kilometers away and meet again

Party A and Party B respectively travel from AB to a place 120 kilometers when they meet. After meeting, they continue to move forward. After arriving at their destination, they return to 150 kilometers away from B place and meet again. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and a place?
=210 km

Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. When they meet, they are 120 meters away from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward, return to their destination immediately, and meet again 150 meters away from A. the distance between a and B is______ Rice

(120 × 3 + 150) △ 2 = 255 (m); answer: the distance between AB and ab is 255 M