Party A and Party B walk from the two cities of AB 580 meters apart. Party A walks 50 meters every minute, and Party B walks 70 meters every minute. Party A walks for 2 minutes before Party B starts B set out a few minutes later, the two met. How many meters from the midpoint of AB

Party A and Party B walk from the two cities of AB 580 meters apart. Party A walks 50 meters every minute, and Party B walks 70 meters every minute. Party A walks for 2 minutes before Party B starts B set out a few minutes later, the two met. How many meters from the midpoint of AB

Question 1:
=4 (minutes)
Question 2:
=10 (m)

The distance between AB and B is 50 km. A and B start from AB and walk in opposite directions. A travels 2 km more per hour than B. If two people start at the same time and meet each other after 3 hours, if the speed of a is set at x km / h, what kind of equation can be worked out


The distance between the two places is 900 meters. Party A and Party B walk in the same direction at the same time and in the same place. Party A walks 80 meters per minute and Party B walks 100 meters per minute. When Party B reaches the target, he immediately returns and meets Party A. how many minutes has it taken for them to meet each other?

900 × 2 ^ (100 + 80), = 1800 ^ 180, = 10 (min), a: it took 10 minutes for them to meet each other

A and B walk from a and B at the same time. A walks 100 meters per minute. The speed of a is 54 times that of B. five minutes later, they just walk 35 meters. How many meters are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 1500 meters