It's better to give 100 points 1. Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and walk towards each other. After meeting, Party A goes on to arrive at place B after 18 minutes, and Party B goes on to arrive at place a after 8 minutes. How many minutes do they meet after starting? 2. Car a and car B start from a and B respectively and run in opposite directions. When they start, the speed ratio of car a and car B is 5:4. When they meet, car a's speed decreases by 20%, and car B's speed increases by 20%. In this way, when car a arrives at place B, car B is still 10 kilometers away from place A. then, how many kilometers are there between car a and car B? 3. The car goes from a to B. if the car travels 20 kilometers less per hour than the original, it will take four fifths of the original time. If the car travels 20 kilometers more per hour, it will take 1.2 hours less than the original time. How many kilometers are there between a and B? It's better to use formula

It's better to give 100 points 1. Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and walk towards each other. After meeting, Party A goes on to arrive at place B after 18 minutes, and Party B goes on to arrive at place a after 8 minutes. How many minutes do they meet after starting? 2. Car a and car B start from a and B respectively and run in opposite directions. When they start, the speed ratio of car a and car B is 5:4. When they meet, car a's speed decreases by 20%, and car B's speed increases by 20%. In this way, when car a arrives at place B, car B is still 10 kilometers away from place A. then, how many kilometers are there between car a and car B? 3. The car goes from a to B. if the car travels 20 kilometers less per hour than the original, it will take four fifths of the original time. If the car travels 20 kilometers more per hour, it will take 1.2 hours less than the original time. How many kilometers are there between a and B? It's better to use formula

1. Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and walk in opposite directions. After meeting, Party A continues to move forward for 18 minutes to arrive at place B, and Party B continues to move forward for 8 minutes to arrive at place A. how many minutes do they meet after they set out? Let X minutes meet 1 / (x + 18) + 1 / (x + 8) = 1 / XX (x + 8 + X + 18) = (x + 18) (x + 8) 2x ^ 2 + 26x = x ^ 2 + 26x + 144x

The distance between the two places is 1800 meters. Party A and Party B walk opposite each other. After meeting, Party A walks for 8 minutes to reach the destination, and Party B walks for 18 minutes to reach the destination,

Suppose that the velocity of a is x and that of B is y. it takes t minutes from start to meet
Equations 4 and 5
Substituting into any one of the following two equations, we get
T = 12 minutes
Substituting any one of the first three equations, we get
X = 90 / min
Y = 60 / min

It takes 6 hours for the express train to go from place a to place B, and 8 hours for the local train. The two trains leave from both places at the same time. When they meet, the express train travels 60 kilometers more than the local train. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

8: A: the distance between a and B is 420 km

It takes 6 hours for the express train to go from place a to place B, and 8 hours for the local train. The two trains leave from both places at the same time. When they meet, the express train travels 60 kilometers more than the local train. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

8: A: the distance between a and B is 420 km