A and B are facing each other. A travels 45 kilometers per hour, B 42 kilometers per hour. When they meet, they are 12 kilometers away from the midpoint How many hours? Er. My reward is divided into 0. Please help me to solve it first and then give it back

A and B are facing each other. A travels 45 kilometers per hour, B 42 kilometers per hour. When they meet, they are 12 kilometers away from the midpoint How many hours? Er. My reward is divided into 0. Please help me to solve it first and then give it back

Some children may not understand the answers,
When they meet, they are 12 kilometers away from the midpoint, which means that a has passed the midpoint by 12 kilometers, and B still has 12 kilometers to the midpoint. That is to say, a has walked 12 + 12 kilometers more than B, and a has walked 45-42 kilometers more per hour than B. the time taken to walk this distance is the departure time

The two cars run 45 kilometers per hour and the other 42 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at the midpoint of 12 kilometers. How many hours after the two cars leave at the same time? (PS: no wrong number.)

12 + 12 = 24 km
However, in one hour, the number of rows is 45-42 = 3km
So it took 24-3 = 8 hours to meet