A and B cars are running from both places at the same time. A car is running 45 kilometers per hour, and a car is running 42 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at a distance of 6 kilometers from the destination How many hours after the two trains leave at the same time? How many kilometers are there between the two places?

A and B cars are running from both places at the same time. A car is running 45 kilometers per hour, and a car is running 42 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at a distance of 6 kilometers from the destination How many hours after the two trains leave at the same time? How many kilometers are there between the two places?

6 / (45-42) = 2 (hours) (45 + 42) * 2 = 174 (km)

How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Six out of five is five out of six?
Distance: 72 × 5 / 6 = 60 km
If it's six out of five
Distance: 72 × 6 / 5 = 86.4km

A and B start from a and B at the same time and run back and forth between a and B continuously
The speed ratio of a and B is 3:7, and the place where a and B meet for the first time in 2010 is just 120 km away from the place where they met for the second time in 2011 (when a and B are in the same direction, it is not considered that B overtakes a), so what is the distance between a and B?

From the beginning to the first meeting, car a runs 3 / 10 of the whole journey, car B runs 7 / 10 of the whole journey, two cars run a whole journey. From the beginning to the second meeting, car a runs 3 / 10x3 = = 9 / 10, car B runs 7 / 10x3 = 21 / 10 of the whole journey

It takes 5 hours for car a to arrive at place B, and 6 hours for car B to arrive at place A. It is known that car a traveled 120 kilometers when it met. How many kilometers did car B travel when it met?

15: 16 = 6:5120 ÷ 6 × 5 = 20 × 5 = 100 (km) a: car B traveled 100 km when it met