A and B vehicles start from two places 10km apart at the same time and move in a relatively uniform straight line. The speed of a is 54km / h, and that of B is 10m / s. when they meet () A. B. car a takes 2km more than car B. car a takes 1km less than car B. car a takes 7km and car B takes 3km

A and B vehicles start from two places 10km apart at the same time and move in a relatively uniform straight line. The speed of a is 54km / h, and that of B is 10m / s. when they meet () A. B. car a takes 2km more than car B. car a takes 1km less than car B. car a takes 7km and car B takes 3km

The speed of vehicle B is v b = 10m / S = 36km / h, and the time of meeting is t = SV a + v b = 10km, 54km / H + 36km / h = 19h, so the distance of vehicle a is s a = V A, t = 54km / h × 19h = 6km, the distance of vehicle B is s b = v b, t = 36km / h × 19h = 4km, so vehicle a walks 6km-4km more than vehicle B

The two cars of a and B move towards each other respectively from a and B. car a starts 1.5 hours earlier than car B, and car a and B just meet in the middle. It is known that the time ratio of a and B is 3:2, and the average speed of a is 40 km / h. find the distance between 1a and B. 2 the average speed of car B

A time 1.5 ÷ (3-2) X3 = 4.5 hours
The distance between the two places is 40x4.5x2 = 360 km
B average speed 40x3 / 2 = 60km / h
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A and B move in the same direction at the same time from P and Q respectively. Their S-T images are shown in (a) and (b). After 6 seconds, a and B meet
(1) The speed of car a is (& nbsp; & nbsp;) m / s, and that of car B is () m / s
(2) What is the distance between P and Q?

According to (a), V A = 8 / 12 = 2 / 3m / s, and v b = 12 / 6 = 2m / s
The first 6S is 4m, the second 6S is 12M, PQ = 12-4 = 8m