The distance between a and B is 540 kilometers. Party A and B drive from two places at the same time. After five minutes, they meet. It is known that the speed ratio of Party A and B is 5 to 4

The distance between a and B is 540 kilometers. Party A and B drive from two places at the same time. After five minutes, they meet. It is known that the speed ratio of Party A and B is 5 to 4

Two people set out at the same time, when they meet, they travel the same time. Because their speed ratio is 5:4, their distance ratio is also 5:4
540 × 5 / 9 = 300 km The distance a travels
540 × 4 / 9 = 240 km B. distance traveled

A. B is 6000 meters away from the two places. Party A and Party B face each other from a and B at the same time and meet at 2400 meters away from B. If Party B's speed is increased to the original speed
5 times, then, two people can meet 9 minutes in advance, how many meters per minute to find a speed

Original speed ratio (6000-2400): 2400 = 3:2
Current speed ratio: 3:2 * 2.5 = 3:5
Original time: 9 / [1 - (3 + 2) / (3 + 5)] = 24 minutes
A's speed: (6000 / 24) 3 / (2 + 3) = 150 m / min

A. B is 950 meters apart. A and B start from a at the same time and go back and forth between a and B. A walks 40 meters per minute and B runs 150 meters per minute. How many meters are there between a and B when they meet for the second time?

950 × 2 = 1900 (m) 1900 △ (40 + 150) = 10 (min) 10 × 2 = 20 (min) 20 × 40 = 800 (m) 950-800 = 150 (m) a: when a and B met for the second time, they were 150 meters away from B

A. B is 1000 meters apart. A starts from a and B at the same time. B runs 150 meters per minute and a walks
… A walks 60 meters per minute. In 30 minutes, when a and B meet for the first time (including chasing), is it the closest to B? What is the nearest distance?

The speed sum of two people is 210 meters, the speed difference is 90 meters, 30 * 60 = 1800 meters in 30 minutes, 150 * 30 = 4500 meters in 30 minutes. The two people travel 6300 meters in total. It should be said that they can meet for four times at most, and haven't met for the fifth time in 30 minutes