When a car goes from city a to city B, when it reaches 37.5% of city a, it is 300 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two cities. What is the distance between city a and city B? When a car goes from city a to city B, when it reaches 37.5% of city a, it is 300 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two cities. What is the distance between city a and city B?

When a car goes from city a to city B, when it reaches 37.5% of city a, it is 300 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two cities. What is the distance between city a and city B? When a car goes from city a to city B, when it reaches 37.5% of city a, it is 300 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two cities. What is the distance between city a and city B?

300 / (0.5-37.5%) = 300 / 0.125 = 2400 (km)

Both car a and car B start from city a and drive to city B 300 kilometers away. It is known that car a starts one hour later than car B, but arrives at city B one hour earlier. Then, how many kilometers away from city B does car a catch up with car B? (solve the problem with substitution method)

Car a starts 1 hour later than car B, but arrives at city B one hour earlier. It means that car a is 2 hours faster than car B when driving 300 km. Then car a will start 1 hour faster than car B when driving 150 km. It is known that car a starts 1 hour later than car B, so they all meet at the time of 150 km

The distance between city a and city B is 320 km. A car starts from city a and drives to city B. after 200 km, the driver finds that there is still three seventh of the fuel left on the fuel gauge. Please help the driver to calculate. If you don't refuel on the way, can the car drive to city B?

After driving 5 / 8 of the whole journey, the fuel consumption is 3 / 7, and there is still 2 / 7 of the fuel left. 3 / 7 divided by 5 / 8 equals 24 / 35, and then 2 / 7 divided by 24 / 35 equals 5 / 12 > 3 / 8, so you can finish the whole journey

On the map with a scale of 1:3 million, the distance between city a and city B is 8 cm. How many hours does it take for a car to drive from city a to city B at the speed of 60 kilometers per hour

3000000cm = 30km
30 × 8 = 240 km
Solution: it takes x hours for the car to go from place a to place B
A: it takes four hours for the car to go from place a to place B