At the same time, the two trains run 70km / h for car a and 80km / h for car B from two places. After 14 minutes, the two trains meet the railway between two places How many of the last two words have been hoodwinked? Do me a favor!

At the same time, the two trains run 70km / h for car a and 80km / h for car B from two places. After 14 minutes, the two trains meet the railway between two places How many of the last two words have been hoodwinked? Do me a favor!

(70 + 80) x14 / 15 = 150x14 / 15 = 140km

The two trains run 80 kilometers per hour for train a and 60 kilometers per hour for train B. after four hours, the two trains are still 40 kilometers apart. How long is the railway between the two places?

Two possibilities:
The two cars did not meet and were 40 kilometers apart
Length of railway between the two places: (80 + 60) X4 + 40 = 600 (km)
After they met, they were 40 kilometers apart
Length of railway between the two places: (80 + 60) x4-40 = 520 (km)