Train a and train B run from two places 700 kilometers apart at the same time. Train a runs 85 kilometers per hour and train B runs 90 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two trains meet?

Train a and train B run from two places 700 kilometers apart at the same time. Train a runs 85 kilometers per hour and train B runs 90 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two trains meet?

700 △ 85 + 90 = 700 △ 175, = 4 hours. A: the two trains meet in 4 hours

Train a and train B run from two places 600 kilometers apart at the same time. Train a runs 65 kilometers per hour, and train B runs 85 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two trains meet? (solution of equations)

A and B trains leave from both places at the same time. Train a runs 80 kilometers per hour, while train B runs 70 kilometers per hour. After 12 hours, the two trains are still behind each other
How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
Additional within half an hour

A drove 80x12 = 960km in 12 hours
B drove 70x12 = 840km in 12 hours
960 + 840 = 1800 km
The distance between the two places is 1800 + 110 = 1910 km because there is still 110 km to meet

A car travels 60km per hour and a train 120km per hour. What percentage of the speed of a car is that of a train?

The speed of a car is that of a train: 60 △ 120 = 1 / 2 = 50%