Party A and Party B set out from both places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Party A travels 60 kilometers per hour and Party B travels 4 kilometers per hour. Then they meet at a distance of 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the two places to find the distance between the two places

Party A and Party B set out from both places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Party A travels 60 kilometers per hour and Party B travels 4 kilometers per hour. Then they meet at a distance of 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the two places to find the distance between the two places

The topic is wrong. Children should meet in three hours. The distance between AB and ab is? 3x4 + 3x60 = 172 km

The distance between a and B is 930 km. A and B are running in opposite directions at the same time. A runs 60 km per hour and B runs 100 km per hour,
Car a stopped for half an hour to have a rest. How many kilometers did he drive when he met

Let a drive x kilometers when meeting. Then B drive (930-x) kilometers. X / 60 + 0.5 = (930-x) / 100x / 60 + 0.5 = 9.3-x / 100x / 60 + X / 100 = 8.85x + 3x = 8.8 * 300X = 330 when meeting. I'm glad to answer for you, and the team of the 1900 will answer for you

A. B is 60 kilometers away from each other. A and B start from ab by bike and travel in opposite directions. A starts 20 minutes later than B and travels 3 kilometers more per hour than B. they meet one hour and 40 minutes after a starts. How many kilometers per hour do a and B travel?

Let the velocity of B be x, then the velocity of a is x + 3
1:40 = 5 / 3 hours. 1:40 + 20 minutes = 2 hours
A: the speed of a is 18 km / h, and that of B is 15 km / h
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A. B is 60 kilometers away from each other. A and B start from a and B by bike and travel in opposite directions. A starts 20 minutes later than B and travels 3 kilometers more per hour than B. one hour and 40 minutes after a's departure, they meet. How many kilometers do they travel per hour?

Suppose a's speed x, and B's speed (x-3) can be obtained from the problem. A starts for 5 / 3 hours, B starts for 2 hours, and the sum of their distance is 60km. The equation, X · 5 / 3 + (x-3) · 2 = 60, is solved and X = 18, that is, a's speed is 18km / h, B's speed is 15km / h