The distance between AB and a is 60 kilometers. A and B start from ab by bike and travel in opposite directions. A starts 30 minutes later than B, and B travels 2 kilometers more per hour than a When the distance between them is equal, find the velocity of ab,

The distance between AB and a is 60 kilometers. A and B start from ab by bike and travel in opposite directions. A starts 30 minutes later than B, and B travels 2 kilometers more per hour than a When the distance between them is equal, find the velocity of ab,

Let the velocity of B be x, then the velocity of a is x + 3
A starts 20 minutes later than B, B goes for 2 hours
The solution is x = 15
A's speed is 15 + 3 = 18 km / h
A: the speed of a is 18 km / h, and that of B is 15 km / h

The distance between AB and B is 60 kilometers. A and B ride from each other. A starts 20 minutes later than B and travels 3 kilometers more per hour than B. after one hour and 40 minutes of a's departure, they meet and ask a and B what's the distance between them

Let B's speed be x km / h
5(2x + 3)/3 + x/3 = 60
Multiply both sides by three, and you get
5(2x + 3) + x = 180
11x = 165
X = 15 km / h
Route a = 18 × 5 / 3 = 30 km
Route B = 15 × 2 = 30 km