Party A and Party B travel from AB, which is 1200 meters away from each other at the same time. Party A and Party B start from each other at the same time. Party A travels 50 meters per hour and Party B 75 meters per hour

Party A and Party B travel from AB, which is 1200 meters away from each other at the same time. Party A and Party B start from each other at the same time. Party A travels 50 meters per hour and Party B 75 meters per hour

1200 ÷ (50 + 75) = 9.6 hours
A: they met after 9.6 hours

The distance between two places is 480 meters. Party A and Party B set out from two places at the same time. If they walk in opposite directions, they will meet in 3 minutes. If they walk in the same direction, Party A can catch up with Party B in 40 minutes
How many minutes does it take a to get from a to B

Let a's velocity per minute be x and B's velocity per minute be y
X = 160-y, which leads to
Y = 74 x = 86 480 / 86 = 240 / 43 minutes

Car a and car B run from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 52 kilometers per hour and car B runs 48 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at a distance of 16 kilometers from the midpoint

Car a travels 16x2 = 32km more
The time of meeting is 32 (52-48) = 32 (4) = 8 hours
The distance between the two places is (52 + 48) X8 = 800km

A and B vehicles travel from the two places at the same time. A vehicle travels 60 kilometers per hour, B vehicle travels 48 kilometers per hour, and the two vehicles are 30 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two places
How much is the distance between the two places

Meeting time: 30x2 ÷ (60-48) = 5 hours
The distance between the two places is (60 + 48) X5 = 108x5 = 540km