Party A and Party B start from the same place. Party A walks 5km every hour and Party B walks 3km every hour. Please use the algebraic formula to express: 1. How many kilometers is the distance between them when they walk in reverse T? 2 Party A and Party B start from the same place. Party A walks 5km every hour and Party B walks 3km every hour 1. How many kilometers is the distance between two people when they walk in reverse T? 2. When walking t in the same direction, how many kilometers is the distance between two people? 3. Walking in the opposite direction, when a starts earlier than B at m, and when B goes n, how many kilometers is the distance between them? 4. Walking in the same direction, when a starts later than B at m, and when B walks at n (n > m), how many kilometers is the distance between them?

Party A and Party B start from the same place. Party A walks 5km every hour and Party B walks 3km every hour. Please use the algebraic formula to express: 1. How many kilometers is the distance between them when they walk in reverse T? 2 Party A and Party B start from the same place. Party A walks 5km every hour and Party B walks 3km every hour 1. How many kilometers is the distance between two people when they walk in reverse T? 2. When walking t in the same direction, how many kilometers is the distance between two people? 3. Walking in the opposite direction, when a starts earlier than B at m, and when B goes n, how many kilometers is the distance between them? 4. Walking in the same direction, when a starts later than B at m, and when B walks at n (n > m), how many kilometers is the distance between them?

4. Two cases: the first case: 3 (M + n) less than 5N, 5N - 3 (M + n)
In the second case, 3 (M + n) - 5N is obtained when 3 (M + n) is greater than 5N

A and B walk from a to B at the same time. A walks 5km per hour, B walks 3km per hour. When a arrives at B, B is 6km away from B,
How many hours did a walk

They walked for X hours
The solution is: x = 3
So, a walked for three hours

When a arrives at B, B is 6km away from B,
How many hours did a walk? What's the distance between a and B?

A travels 2 km more per hour than B, a total of 6 km more
So I walked for three hours
So it's 15 km away

Party A and Party B go from place a to place B 25.5km away at the same time. Party A rides a bicycle and Party B walks. The speed of Party A is 3km / h faster than that of Party B,
After a arrives at B, he immediately returns from B and meets B on the way. At this time, it's three hours from their departure time. What's their speed?

Speed sum of Party A and Party B: 25.5 × 2 △ 3 = 17 km / h
Speed of B: (17-3) / (2 + 1) = 14 / 3km / h
Speed of a: 14 / 3 × 2 + 3 = 37 / 3 km / h