The correspondent originally planned to take 5 hours to get from place a to place B. because of the urgent task, he was 3 km faster than the original plan every hour. As a result, he arrived 1 hour earlier The correspondent originally planned to take 5 hours to get from place a to place B. because of the urgent task, he arrived 3 km faster than the original plan every hour. As a result, he arrived 1 hour earlier. He calculated the distance between the two places

The correspondent originally planned to take 5 hours to get from place a to place B. because of the urgent task, he was 3 km faster than the original plan every hour. As a result, he arrived 1 hour earlier The correspondent originally planned to take 5 hours to get from place a to place B. because of the urgent task, he arrived 3 km faster than the original plan every hour. As a result, he arrived 1 hour earlier. He calculated the distance between the two places

The distance between a and B is x km, and the original planned speed is y km / h
Then 5Y = x
The solution is x = 60, y = 12
A: the distance between a and B is 60 kilometers

The correspondent originally planned to travel from place a to place B in 4 hours. Due to the urgent task, he accelerated 2 km per hour. As a result, he arrived at place B 30 minutes ahead of time to find his way
We need to solve the equation of first degree with one variable
It's about distance

Let the original speed be x km / h
The distance is 4x = 56 km
If the distance is set to X (very cumbersome)
X = 56 km