When a and B students come home from school, a has to walk 15 more ways than B, while B takes 111 less time than A. what is the speed ratio of a and B students to go home?

When a and B students come home from school, a has to walk 15 more ways than B, while B takes 111 less time than A. what is the speed ratio of a and B students to go home?

(1) A's itinerary is B's: (1 + 15) = 65, B's time is a's: 1-111 = 1011, then a's time is B's: 1110, the speed ratio of a and B is (65 / 1110): (1 / 1) = 12:11; a: the speed ratio of a and B's two students to go home is 12:11

When workers a and B go to work, a takes 1 / 5 more distance than B, while B takes 1 / 11 less time than a,
When a and B workers go to work, a takes one fifth more distance than B, while B takes one eleventh less time than A. if a's speed is 24 kilometers per hour,

Route a: route B = (1 + 1 / 5): 1 = 6:5
Time a: time B = 11:10
Speed A: speed B = 6 / 11:1 / 2
B speed: 24 △ 6 / 11 × 1 / 2 = 22 km / h

When a and B workers go to work, a takes 5 / 1 more distance than B, while B takes 11 / 1 less time than A. what is the speed ratio between a and B?
Solve by equation

Take the speed of B as 1, then the speed of a is (1 + 1 / 5) / [11 / (11-1)] = 12:11, the ratio of the two speed is 12:11
Suppose B's distance is 1 and time is 1, then a's distance is (1 + 1 / 5) = 6 / 5 and time is 11 / 10; B's speed is 1 and a's speed is 12 / 11, so the speed ratio of a and B is 12:11

A and B start from two places of AB at the same time and go opposite each other. When they start, the speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. After meeting, a's speed increases by 20%, and B's speed increases by 30%. So when a arrives at B, B is 56 kilometers away from A. what's the distance between AB and B

The original speed of B is 2 / 3 of that of A. now the speed of B is 1 + 30 + 130% of that of A. now the speed of B is 1 + 20 + 120% of that of A. now the speed of B is 2 / 3 × 130% = 13 / 15. Then the speed ratio of a to B is 120%: 13 / 15 = 18:13