Party A and Party B are moving at a constant speed from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet is 700m away from point a, and then they continue to move forward. When Party A arrives at place B, Party B immediately stops Back, the second meeting place is 400m away from point B. what is the distance between a and B?

Party A and Party B are moving at a constant speed from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet is 700m away from point a, and then they continue to move forward. When Party A arrives at place B, Party B immediately stops Back, the second meeting place is 400m away from point B. what is the distance between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 1700 meters

Party A and Party B move forward at a constant speed from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 700m away from point A. then they continue to move forward and return to the destination Ba immediately
Back, the second meeting is 400m away from point B. find the distance between two places ab

Let the velocity of a and B be x, y, AB respectively, and the distance of a and B be s
Then (S-700) / y = 700 / X
How to solve the equation
S is 1700m
Ternary linear equation, only two equations, but the same solution!

Question 1:
A rectangular frame is welded with angle iron 110cm long. The length is twice the width and the width is 1.5 times the height. How small is the length, width and height of the rectangle?
Question 2:
Use three identical cubes to form a cuboid. The total length of the edges of the cuboid is 120cm. How small is the sum of the edges of the original cube?

Question 1: 110 divided by 4 = 27.5 (sum of length, width and height) 1.5x2 = 3 (length is three times of height) 27.5 divided by (3 + 1.5 + 1) = 5 (height) 5x1.5 = 7.5 (width) 7.5x2 = 15 (length)
Question 2 ": 3x4 + 4x2 = 20 (take a cuboid as a small cube with 20 edges) 120 divided by 20 = 6 (edge length) 6x12 = 72
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The speed ratio of passenger and freight cars is known to be 4:5. After the two cars meet on the way, they continue to drive. The passenger car increases the speed by 20%, and the freight car keeps the same speed. After another four hours, the freight car arrives at a, and the passenger car is 116 kilometers away from B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

If the speed of the freight car is 44 + 5 △ 4 = 19 in 4 hours after the meeting, the speed of the passenger car before the increase of 20% is 19 × 45 = 445; if the speed of the passenger car after the increase of 20% is 445 × (1 + 20%) = 875; if the passenger car runs for another 4 hours after the meeting, 875 × 4 = 3275; the distance between the passenger car and the ground B is 59-3275 = 29225; the distance between the two places is 116 △ 29225 = 900 (km); a: the distance between a and B is 900 km