Two thirds of the number a is 18. His 25% is 25 less than the number B. what's the number B

Two thirds of the number a is 18. His 25% is 25 less than the number B. what's the number B

The number a is 18 (2 / 3) = 27
His 25% is 25 less than the number B, so the number B is

The number of a is one fourth less than that of B. is that right
The number of a is one fourth less than that of B. is that right

The number a is 1 / 4 less than the number B, which can be converted into that the number a is 3 / 4 of the number B
It can be concluded that the number a is 3 and the number B is 4
The ratio is 3 / 4 = 3:4
Hope to adopt! (how do you ask questions everywhere? Ha, one question, ask all the contents you want to know together. Well, I'm talking nonsense, I don't mind ha, O (∩)_ ∩)O~)

Party A and Party B work together to build a road, which can be completed in six days. Now Party A has five days to build the road first, and the rest has been completed by Party A and Party B in four days
How long does it take to build this road alone

A efficiency = (1-4 / 6) △ 5 = 1 / 15
B efficiency = 1 / 6-1 / 15 = 1 / 10
1 △ 1 / 10 = 10 days
B it will take ten days to build the road alone

It takes 40 days for a project to be completed by Party A alone. If it takes 10 days for Party B alone, then the rest of the project will take 20 days for two pairs of cooperation
It takes 40 days for a project to be completed by Party A alone. If it takes 10 days for Party B alone, then the rest of the project will take 20 days for two teams to cooperate to complete the project

If it takes X days for Party B to work alone, Party B will do 1 / X every day
Another 40 times a day
B did it for 10 days, that is, 10 / x, and there is still 1-10 / X left in this job
These require a and B to work together for 20 days
We get x = 60
1 / (1 / 40 + 1 / 60) = 24 (days)