The highways in the two cities are 315 km long. Vehicles a and B travel from the two cities at the same time. Vehicle a travels 48 km per hour and vehicle B 42 km per hour MI. The two cars met in a few hours

The highways in the two cities are 315 km long. Vehicles a and B travel from the two cities at the same time. Vehicle a travels 48 km per hour and vehicle B 42 km per hour MI. The two cars met in a few hours

Encounter = 315 (48 + 42) = 3.5 hours

The highway between city a and city B is 522 kilometers long. Car C starts from city a and travels 75 kilometers per hour. Two hours later, car d starts from city B and travels 80 kilometers per hour. How many hours after car d starts, does car d meet car C?

Setting: 1
Car d starts from city B and meets car C x hours later
Then car C will meet car d after x + 2 hours of departure
From this we can get the equation:
X = 2.4 (hours)
Therefore, D car will meet C car after 2.4 hours from B city