It is known that it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, and it takes 10 hours for car B to complete the whole journey. After 5 hours, they meet. At this time, car a is 120 kilometers away from ground B. how many kilometers is the distance between two places

It is known that it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, and it takes 10 hours for car B to complete the whole journey. After 5 hours, they meet. At this time, car a is 120 kilometers away from ground B. how many kilometers is the distance between two places

Classmate, the problem is wrong. According to your conditions, it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, and it takes 10 hours for car B to complete the whole journey. The meeting time should be 1 / (1 / 15 + 1 / 10) = 6 hours, not less than 5 hours. According to 6 hours, it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, then when car a drives 1 / 15 of the whole journey every hour and leaves for 6 hours, car a will drive

A and B start from ab at the same time. When they meet, the distance ratio of a and B is 4:3. A runs 60 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and B
Please solve it by arithmetic

This is very simple. You regard the whole journey as 7 equal parts, 4 equal parts are 60 kilometers, so you can know that each equal part of the journey is 60 / 4 = 15, and the total journey is 15 * 7 = 105. This is mainly a question of divergent thinking. There are many different opinions, but the results are the same! After answering, come on and read!