Car a and car B go from a and B at the same time. After the two cars meet, they go at the same speed. Car a takes 2 hours to reach place B, and car B takes 4.5 hours to reach place A. how many times is car a's speed?

Car a and car B go from a and B at the same time. After the two cars meet, they go at the same speed. Car a takes 2 hours to reach place B, and car B takes 4.5 hours to reach place A. how many times is car a's speed?

Suppose B's speed is 1, and a's speed is x times of B's speed, then a's speed is X. The result is: 2x1 = 4.5 × 1x2x2 = 4.5 & nbsp; X = 1.5

Party A and Party B set out from both places of AB at the same time, facing each other, with a speed ratio of 3:2. After meeting each other, they continued to move forward at the same speed, and after arriving at each other's place of departure, they immediately returned home
Return, known two people two meeting point 20 kilometers apart, seek the whole journey?

The speed ratio is 3:2, because the time is the same, so their distance ratio is 3:2. The first time they met, the two cars traveled a whole journey, car a traveled 3 / 5 of the whole journey, and car a met 3 / 5 from point a. the second time they met, the two cars traveled 3 whole journey, car a traveled 3

Car a and car B run from a and B at the same time and meet at 80 km away from A. after meeting, the two cars continue to move forward. When car a arrives at B and car B arrives at a, they immediately return to the original road and meet at 60 km away from B for the second time. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

80 × 3-60 = 240-60, = 180 km. A: A and B are 180 km apart

A and B two cars respectively from a, B two places at the same time, speed ratio is 7:11, after meeting two cars continue to drive, respectively arrive at B, a two places immediately return. When the second meeting, a car from B 80km. A, B two places apart how many km?

A: the distance between a and B is 480 km