The speed ratio is 7:11. After meeting each other, the two cars continue to drive and return to B and a immediately The speed ratio of car a and car B is 7:11. After meeting, the two cars continue to drive and return to B and a respectively. When meeting for the second time, car a is 80km away from B. the two cars have traveled three distances between a and B. how many meters is the distance between a and B

The speed ratio is 7:11. After meeting each other, the two cars continue to drive and return to B and a immediately The speed ratio of car a and car B is 7:11. After meeting, the two cars continue to drive and return to B and a respectively. When meeting for the second time, car a is 80km away from B. the two cars have traveled three distances between a and B. how many meters is the distance between a and B

The speed ratio of a and B is 7:11. After meeting, the two vehicles continue to drive and return to B and a respectively. When meeting for the second time, the distance between a and B is 60 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B? Suppose the distance between a and B is x kilometers (x + 60): (x + X-60) = 7:1114x-420 = 11x + 66

A and B two cars respectively from a, B two places at the same time, speed ratio is 7:11, after meeting two cars continue to drive, respectively arrive at B, a two places immediately return. When the second meeting, a car from B 80km. A, B two places apart how many km?

A: the distance between a and B is 480 km