The two cars leave 584.1km apart from each other at the same time. Car a travels 88.5km per hour, and car B travels 1.2 times faster than car A. When did they meet

The two cars leave 584.1km apart from each other at the same time. Car a travels 88.5km per hour, and car B travels 1.2 times faster than car A. When did they meet

Vehicle B speed = 88.5 × 1.2 = 106.2km/h
Speed sum = 88.5 + 106.2 = 194.7 km / h
Encounter time = 584.1 △ 194.7 = 3 hours

The two cars leave from two places 539 kilometers apart at the same time. Car a travels 88.5 kilometers per hour and car B 65.5 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two cars meet?

539 △ 88.5 + 65.5, = 539 △ 154, = 3.5 (hours); a: the two cars meet in 3.5 hours

After 3.5 hours, the two cars meet. It is known that car a travels 88.5 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers does car B travel per hour?


From two places 539 km apart, the two cars run 88 km / h for car a, 65 km / h for car B, and 5 km / h for car B. after a few hours, the two cars meet
