Car a and car B leave from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 60 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars travel 80% of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Car a and car B leave from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 60 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars travel 80% of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

(50 + 60) × 4 / 80%, = 110 × 4 / 0.8, = 440 / 0.8, = 550 (km); answer: A and B are 550 km apart

The two trains run from two places at the same time and meet each other for 4 hours. At this time, car B runs 40 km more than car a, and car a runs 100 km per hour. How many kilometers does car B travel per hour?

The two trains run from two places at the same time and meet each other for 4 hours. At this time, car B runs 40 km more than car a, and car a runs 100 km per hour. How many kilometers does car B travel per hour?
Vehicle B travels 40 / 4 more than vehicle a per hour = 10 km / h
Vehicle B per hour = 100 + 10 = 110 km / h

A. The distance between B and a is 270 kilometers. A and B start from a and B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 35 kilometers per hour and car B 55 kilometers per hour
A pigeon starts to fly to car B at the same time with car a at the speed of 50 kilometers per hour. When meeting car B, it turns back to car A. when meeting car a, it turns back to car B. how many kilometers does the pigeon fly?

The flying time of pigeons is the meeting time of Party A and Party B, which is 270 ÷ (35 + 55) = 3 hours
Then the pigeon flew: 50 × 3 = 150 km

Car a and car B travel from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 75 kilometers per hour. After driving for 1.4 hours, the ratio of the distance traveled to the rest is 5:6. A. how many kilometers is the distance between car a and car B?

(50 + 75) × 1.4, = 125 × 1.4, = 175 (km); the ratio of the distance traveled to the rest is 5:6, so the distance traveled is 511; 175 △ 511 = 385 (km); a: the distance between a and B is 385 km