Party A and Party B travel relatively from each other. Party A travels 55km / h and Party B 45km / h. at 4:00, 80% of the whole journey of the last two trains is on the scale of 1:2000000. How far is the distance between the two places

Party A and Party B travel relatively from each other. Party A travels 55km / h and Party B 45km / h. at 4:00, 80% of the whole journey of the last two trains is on the scale of 1:2000000. How far is the distance between the two places

Actual distance between a and B:
On the 1:2000000 scale map, the distance between the two places is as follows:
500*100000/2000 000=25cm .

A. B is 80km away. A and B start from a to B. one hour after a starts, B catches up with a speed 1.5 times that of A. when B catches up with B, a arrives 20 minutes ahead of B. what's the speed of a and B?

Suppose the speed of a is XKM / h, then the speed of B is 1.5xkm/h. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 80x − 801.5x = 1 − 2060 solution: x = 40 test: substitute x = 40 into 3x ≠ 0, so x = 40 is the solution of the original equation, so the speed of B is: 1.5x = 60 (km / h) answer: the speed of a and B is 40km / h and 60km / h respectively