The distance between the two places is 750 km. The passenger cars and freight cars start from the two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. After five hours, they meet. The passenger cars travel 75 km per hour and the freight cars travel 75 km per hour?

The distance between the two places is 750 km. The passenger cars and freight cars start from the two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. After five hours, they meet. The passenger cars travel 75 km per hour and the freight cars travel 75 km per hour?

=75 km
A: the truck runs 75 kilometers per hour

A passenger train and a freight train depart from two stations 750 km apart at the same time. After meeting for three hours, it is known that the speed ratio of passenger train and freight train is 3:2
How many kilometers do buses and trucks travel per hour?

1 hour travel 750 △ 3 = 250 km
Therefore, 250 × 3 (3 + 2) = 150 km / h
Freight car 250 × 2 / h (3 + 2) = 100 km

At the same time, the passenger cars and freight cars leave from station a and station B. the passenger cars travel 84 kilometers per hour and the freight cars 80 kilometers per hour. After the two cars meet, they return to the original mode
When the two cars meet again, the bus runs 72 kilometers more than the truck, and the distance between a and B is calculated

When they meet again, they go three distances from a and B,
The first time we met, the two cars went the same distance between a and B,
Therefore, at the first meeting, the passenger car traveled 72 △ 3 = 24 km more than the freight car
So when they met for the first time, they went for 24 (84-80) = 6 hours
So the distance between a and B is (84 + 80) × 6 = 984 km

The distance between station a and station B is 900 km. A freight car and a passenger car leave from station a and station B at the same time. They meet 4.5 hours later. The freight car travels 80 thousand per hour
How many kilometers does the bus travel per hour?

The bus runs every hour
=120 (km)