The speed ratio of the car to the truck is 3 to 5. The two cars are going from two places at the same time, and they meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers has the truck gone

The speed ratio of the car to the truck is 3 to 5. The two cars are going from two places at the same time, and they meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers has the truck gone

When meeting, the travel ratio of car to truck is 3:5
When we met, the truck went: 2 * 15 / (5-3) * 5 = 75 km

The speed ratio of the bus to the truck is 7:4. The two cars start from two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet at 18km away from the midpoint. How many kilometers has the bus traveled?

When they meet, the distance ratio of the bus to the truck is equal to the speed ratio, which is 7:4
When they met again, the passenger car traveled 18 × 2 = 36 kilometers more than the freight car
Bus line: 36 △ 7-4 × 7 = 84 km

The speed ratio of the passenger car to the freight car is 7:1. The two cars start from two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet at a distance of 18km from the midpoint. How many kilometers did the passenger car travel?
To solve the formula or equation!

If the two vehicles start from two places at the same time and run in opposite directions, and meet at the point 18km away from the midpoint, the bus will travel 18 * 2 = 36km more than the truck
When they met, the bus took 7 / (1 + 7) = 7 / 8 of the whole journey, and the truck took 1-7 / 8 = 1 / 8 of the whole journey
Therefore, the whole journey is 36 (7 / 8-1 / 8) = 48 km
The bus runs 48 * 7 / 8 = 42 km

The speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 7; 2. The two cars start from two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet at the point 18km away from the midpoint. How many kilometers did the passenger cars travel?

First, calculate the distance between the two places: suppose: the distance between the two places is x km. (0.5x + 18) / 7 = (0.5x-18) / 2
Diagonal multiplication: x + 36 = 3.5x-126 2.5x = 162 x = 64.8 (km)
Then calculate how many kilometers the bus has traveled: 64.8 △ 0.5 + 18 = 32.4 + 18 = 50.4 (km)
A: the bus has traveled 50.4 kilometers