The distance between a and B is 340 kilometers. A and B start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After 4 hours, the two vehicles meet. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 8:9. The speed of B is calculated

The distance between a and B is 340 kilometers. A and B start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After 4 hours, the two vehicles meet. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 8:9. The speed of B is calculated

Speed sum = 340 / 4 = 85 km / h
If the speed of car B is a km / h, then the speed of car a is 85-a km / h
A = 45 km / h
Speed of car B = 45 km / h

A and B depart from a and B, 340 kilometers apart. A starts from station a at 8:00 a.m. and B starts from station B at 8:30 a.m. every hour
It's 30 kilometers per hour. Car B is 35 kilometers per hour. When does the two cars meet?

30 △ 2 = 15 (km)
340-15 = 325 (km)
30 + 35 = 65 (km)
325 △ 65 = 5 (hour)
30 minutes + 5 hours = 5 hours and 30 minutes
8:30 + 5:30 = 14:00 = 2:00 p.m

A. B is 360 km away from the two places. Car a and car B leave from the two places at the same time and meet after four o'clock. How many kilometers does car a travel every hour and car B travel every hour? (calculated by two methods)

First: a total of 4 × 50 = 200 (km)
So B goes 360-200 = 160 (km)
The speed of B is 160 △ 4 = 40 (km / h)
The second one: if the velocity of B is Χ, then 4 × 50 + 4 Χ = 360
The solution is Χ = 40 (km / h)

Car a and car B travel from two places 360 kilometers apart at the same time and meet at 4 o'clock. Car a travels 35 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does car B travel?

360 △ 4 = 90 km / h, which is the sum of a and B speeds
90 - 35 = 55 km / h, that's B's speed
A: B's speed is 55 kilometers per hour