A and B start from two cities respectively. After three hours, the two cars meet at a distance of 18km. It is known that the speed of a is 3 / 2 of that of B. how many kilometers does a travel per hour?

A and B start from two cities respectively. After three hours, the two cars meet at a distance of 18km. It is known that the speed of a is 3 / 2 of that of B. how many kilometers does a travel per hour?

The two cars meet 18 kilometers from the midpoint?
When they met, a had more lines than B: 18 × 2 = 36 km
Every hour, a has more lines than B: 36 △ 3 = 12 km
B travel per hour: 12 (3 / 2-1) = 24 km
A: 24 + 12 = 36 km per hour

A and B cars travel from AB to each other at the same time. B travels 90km per hour and a 75KM per hour. When they meet, a travels 300km more than B. how many kilometers are there between AB and a?

Meet in X hours
90X -75X=300