The two cars of a and B depart from ab at the same time and meet at 15 kilometers away from the midpoint. The time ratio of a and B to complete the whole journey is 5:4. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and ab?

The two cars of a and B depart from ab at the same time and meet at 15 kilometers away from the midpoint. The time ratio of a and B to complete the whole journey is 5:4. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and ab?

The time ratio of Party A and Party B to complete the whole journey is 5:4, while the distance ratio when they meet is 4:5
When they met, car a went all the way
The distance between a and B
15 ÷ (1 / 2-4 / 9) = 270 (km)

Car a and car B leave the two places at the same time along the highway. Car a travels 48 kilometers per hour on average, and car B 54 kilometers per hour on average. When they meet, they are 36 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two places. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

Driving time when meeting: 36 × 2 ^ (54-48), = 72 ^ 6, = 12 (hours); distance between the two places: (48 + 54) × 12, = 102 × 12, = 1224 (km); answer: the distance between the two places is 1224 km