A and B cars are driving on a straight road. The passengers on car a see car B moving northward, and the passengers on car B see car a and roadside trees moving southward A. A and B both move southward B. A and B both move northward C. A moves southward, B moves northward d. A moves northward, B moves southward

A and B cars are driving on a straight road. The passengers on car a see car B moving northward, and the passengers on car B see car a and roadside trees moving southward A. A and B both move southward B. A and B both move northward C. A moves southward, B moves northward d. A moves northward, B moves southward

(1) When the passengers in car B see the trees on the roadside moving southward, it means that car B is moving northward. (2) when the passengers in car a see car B moving northward, there are three possibilities: first, car a is stationary; second, it is moving southward; third, it is also moving northward, but the speed is slower than car B

A car goes back and forth along a north-south highway. One morning, it starts from place a and arrives at place B in the evening. It is agreed that north is positive and south is negative
The record of the day is as follows (unit: km):
+ 18.3 - 9.5 +7.1 - 14 - 6.2 +13 - 6.8 -8.5
(1) Where is B and how many kilometers away is a?
(2) If the vehicle consumes 0.35 liters of fuel per kilometer, how many liters of fuel is consumed in the day? (the results retain three significant figures)

18.3 + 7.1 + 13 - 9.5 -14 - 6.2 - 6.8 -8.5 = -6.6
(1) site B is 6.6 km south of site a
= 0.35×83.4
= 29.19
(2) the total oil consumption of this day is 29.19 liters

A car goes back and forth along a north-south highway. One morning, it starts from a and arrives at B at night. It is agreed that north is the positive direction
The driving records of the day are as follows: (unit: kilometer) + 18.3 - 9.5 + 7.1 - 14 - 6.2 + 13 - 6.8 - 8.5 excuse me: where is B and how many meters away from a? If the fuel consumption per kilometer is 3.35 liters, how many liters is the total fuel consumption of the day?

First of all, the calculation direction is + 18.3 - 9.5 + 7.1 - 14 - 6.2 + 13 - 6.8 - 8.5 = - 6.6 (km). As the north direction is agreed as the positive direction, place B is in the south of place a, 6.6 km away. The total driving distance of the car is: 18.3 + 9.5 + 7.1 + 14 + 6.2 + 13 + 6.8 + 8.5 = 83.4 (km)

A car goes back and forth along a north-south highway. One morning, it starts from place a and arrives at place B in the evening. It is agreed that the north direction is positive and the south direction is negative. The records of the day are as follows: (unit: km) - 18.3, - 9.5, + 7.1, - 14, - 6.2, + 13, - 6.8, - 8.5 (1) where is place B in place a and how many km away? (2) If the car consumes 0.2 liters of fuel per kilometer, how many liters of fuel is consumed in this day?

(1) - 18.3-9.5 + 7.1-14-6.2 + 13-6.8-8.5 = - 43.2 (km), so B is due south of a, 43.2 km away; (2) 18.3 + 9.5 + 7.1 + 14 + 6.2 + 13 + 6.8 + 8.5 = 83.4 (km), 83.4 × 0.2 = 16.68 (L), a: a total fuel consumption of 16.68 L