The distance between the two cities is 564 km. Two trains leave the two cities at the same time and meet each other in 6 hours. It is known that the speed of the first train is 2 km faster than that of the second train per hour. What are the speeds of the two trains?

The distance between the two cities is 564 km. Two trains leave the two cities at the same time and meet each other in 6 hours. It is known that the speed of the first train is 2 km faster than that of the second train per hour. What are the speeds of the two trains?

(564-6 × 2) △ 6 / 2, = (564-12) △ 6 / 2, = 552 / 6 / 2, = 46 (km / h); 46 + 2 = 48 (km / h). A: the speed of the first train is 48 km / h, and that of the second train is 46 km / h

The distance between the two cities is 564 km. Two trains leave the two cities at the same time and meet each other in 6 hours. It is known that the speed of the first train is 2 km faster than that of the second train per hour. What are the speeds of the two trains?

(564-6 × 2) △ 6 / 2, = (564-12) △ 6 / 2, = 552 / 6 / 2, = 46 (km / h); 46 + 2 = 48 (km / h). A: the speed of the first train is 48 km / h, and that of the second train is 46 km / h

Train a and B start from station a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. When they meet, train a runs 100 kilometers more than train B. It is known that the speed of train B is 35 times that of train a, so find the length of the railway between station a and B

100 (55 + 3-35 + 3) = 100 (58-38) = 100 (14) = 400 (km) a: the whole journey is 400 km

The two trains depart from two places 580 kilometers apart and meet each other in five hours. The speed ratio of a and B is 14:15
How many kilometers does a car travel

Let's say that when we meet, car a runs x kilometers
x :(580-x)=14 :15
A: when they met, car a traveled 280 kilometers