The distance between a and B is 910 times of that between a and C. when a runs for 60 km, the ratio of the distance between B and the rest is 1:3. At this time, the distance between the two trains and the destination is equal. Find the distance between a and C

The distance between a and B is 910 times of that between a and C. when a runs for 60 km, the ratio of the distance between B and the rest is 1:3. At this time, the distance between the two trains and the destination is equal. Find the distance between a and C

A: the distance between a and C is 400 km

The distance between a and B is 910 times of that between a and C. when a runs for 60 km, the ratio of the distance between B and the rest is 1:3. At this time, the distance between the two trains and the destination is equal. Find the distance between a and C

A: the distance between a and C is 400 km

The two trains run in the opposite direction B.C. at point a, AB is BC 9 / 10. When a runs 60 km, the distance between B and the rest is 1; 3,
The distance between two trains to the destination is equal. How about the distance between AC?

If the distance between AC is 10x, then the distance between AB is 9x
The solution is: x = 40
So: the distance between AC is 400km