The distance between a and B is 520km. A car travels 160km in 4 hours from a to B. according to this calculation, the whole journey takes several hours (proportional solution)

The distance between a and B is 520km. A car travels 160km in 4 hours from a to B. according to this calculation, the whole journey takes several hours (proportional solution)

Set to x hours, then
X = 13 (hours)

The distance between Party A and Party B is 360km. The passenger cars travel 40km per hour, and the freight cars 60km per hour. At 8 am, the two cars start from Party A at the same time, and the freight cars stop at Party B for half a year
When will the two cars meet

The distance between a and B is 360km. The bus runs 40km per hour and the truck 60km per hour. At 8 a.m., the two cars start from a at the same time. The truck arrives at B and stops for half an hour to load and unload, then returns to a at the same speed. When will the two cars meet

The distance between a and B is 576 kilometers. A car goes 360 kilometers from a to B in the first five hours?

When (576-360) / (360 △ 5) = 3
According to this calculation, it will take three hours for the car to go from place a to place B

How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?
