The highway between a and B is 360 kilometers long. A car drives from a to B, and it is 105 kilometers away from B after 3 hours. How many kilometers does the car travel per hour?

The highway between a and B is 360 kilometers long. A car drives from a to B, and it is 105 kilometers away from B after 3 hours. How many kilometers does the car travel per hour?

360-105 = 255 (km) & nbsp; & nbsp; 255 △ 3 = 85 (km) a: this car travels 85 km per hour on average

The highway between a and B is 320 kilometers long. A car drives from a to B for 38 kilometers. How far is it from the midpoint?

320 × (12-38), = 320 × 18, = 40 km; a: it's 40 km from the midpoint