Uncle Wang drives a car from place a to place B. he travels 100 kilometers in the first two hours. At this speed, he can reach place B in another three hours. How far is it from place a to place B

Uncle Wang drives a car from place a to place B. he travels 100 kilometers in the first two hours. At this speed, he can reach place B in another three hours. How far is it from place a to place B

Because it's 100 kilometers in two hours
So 50 kilometers an hour
It will be three hours' walk, that is, another 50 * 3 = 150 km
Plus the original 100 km is 100 + 150 = 250 km

Uncle Wang drove 100 kilometers from a to B in the first two hours. At this speed, it takes five hours to go from a to B. if Uncle Wang's speed is increased by 50%, how many hours can he save

The later speed is equal to 2:3 compared with the earlier speed, so the later time is equal to 2:3 compared with the earlier time, which saves 5 / 3 hours