From a to B, the speed of the car is 60km / h on uphill and 90km / h on downhill It takes 1 hour to go up and down the slope, and 13 / 12 hours to go back. How many kilometers are the uphill road and the downhill road?,

From a to B, the speed of the car is 60km / h on uphill and 90km / h on downhill It takes 1 hour to go up and down the slope, and 13 / 12 hours to go back. How many kilometers are the uphill road and the downhill road?,

When we go, the uphill distance is x and the downhill distance is y
So when you return, the uphill is y and the downhill is X
So, X / 60 + Y / 90 = 1
The solution is x = 30, y = 45
So, when you go there, it's 30km uphill and 45km downhill

It took a total of 5.6 minutes for a car to turn around immediately after driving from a to B at a speed of 45 km / h and return to a at a speed of 60 km / h
Hours. How many kilometers are there between a and B?
It takes x hours to return and 5.6-x hours to go
And then what?

Distance between a and B: 60 × 2.4 = 144 km

After driving from a to B at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour, a car immediately turned around and drove back to a at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It took 5.6 kilometers
Hours. How many kilometers are there between a and B?
Find a way!

Suppose it takes x hours to go from place a to place B
That is: it takes 3.2 hours to drive from a to B, then
Distance between a and B: 3.2 × 45 = 144 (km)

If you travel 60km per hour from place a to place B, you will arrive 30 minutes ahead of schedule. If you travel 45km per hour, you will be 0.75 hours late
How long do you plan to complete the whole journey

Set the planning time as X minutes,
Then 60 (X-30) = 45 (x + 45);
X = 255 minutes