A person drives from a to B, and then returns to a according to the original road. It takes 14 hours to go back and forth. It is known that the speed ratio is 4:3, and the distance between a and B is () km

A person drives from a to B, and then returns to a according to the original road. It takes 14 hours to go back and forth. It is known that the speed ratio is 4:3, and the distance between a and B is () km

Let's use it for X hours, then it's 14-x
6 × 80 = 480km

The road from a to B is 436 kilometers long. Two cars drive from two places. Car a travels 42 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 46 kilometers per hour. After two hours, car B starts. How many hours do the two cars meet?

(436-42 × 2) / (42 + 46) = 4 (hours)