It takes 8 hours for a truck to complete the whole journey from place a to place B. a bus can travel 54 kilometers per hour. At the same time, after 5 / 12 (5 / 12) of the whole journey from place B to place a, it just meets the truck. How many kilometers did the bus travel? To solve the equation of first degree with one variable

It takes 8 hours for a truck to complete the whole journey from place a to place B. a bus can travel 54 kilometers per hour. At the same time, after 5 / 12 (5 / 12) of the whole journey from place B to place a, it just meets the truck. How many kilometers did the bus travel? To solve the equation of first degree with one variable

Let the bus travel x km, then the equation x / 54 = (1-5 / 12) / (1 / 8) is solved. X = 252 km, the distance of the bus is 252 km. Without the equation, it takes 8 hours for the truck to complete the whole journey, 1 / 8 per hour for the passenger car to complete the whole journey, 5 / 12 for the passenger car, indicating that 1-5 / 12 = 7 / 12 for the truck

From the first place to the second place, the freight car can complete the whole journey in 8 hours at the speed of 56 km / h. The speed of the passenger car is 25% faster than that of the freight car. How long does it take for the passenger car to complete the whole journey?

It takes x hours for a bus to complete the whole journey
A: it takes 11.2 hours for the bus to complete the whole journey

When the car completes half of the journey, the big car is 48 kilometers away from the ground. Continue to drive at this speed,
When the car arrived at B, the big car traveled 3 / 4 of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

When the car completes half of the journey, the big car is 48 kilometers away from Jiadi
It can be seen that when the car arrived at the second place, the big car walked 48 △ 1 / 2 = 96 km
The distance between a and B is 96 △ 3 / 4 = 128 km

Two cars, big and small, drive from a to B at the same time. When the car completes 12 kilometers of the whole journey, the big car is 48 kilometers away from A. continue driving at this speed. When the car reaches B, the big car runs 34 kilometers of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 128 km

When the car finished half of the journey, the big car was 48 kilometers away from A. according to this calculation, when the car arrived at B, the big car drove four of the five parts of the journey?

It's not hard
In the first half of the journey, the car walks 48 meters. In the second half of the journey, the car also walks 48 meters
Even 48 meters account for 4 / 5 of the whole journey
Therefore, the distance between a and B = (48 / 2) * 5 = 120m