How long does it take for a car to go from a to B at 62.5km per hour, arrive in 4 hours, and then return to a at the speed of 50km per hour

How long does it take for a car to go from a to B at 62.5km per hour, arrive in 4 hours, and then return to a at the speed of 50km per hour

Hello, 736893371246
The distance is:
62.5 × 4 = 250 (km)
Return time:
250 △ 50 = 5 (hours)

A car from a to B can arrive in 5% 6 hours. If the speed is increased by 20%, how many hours can it arrive

45 × 6 / 5 (45 + 45 × 20%) = 1 hour

It takes six hours for a car to drive from place a to place B at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. If the speed is increased to 75 kilometers per hour, how many hours can it reach?


A car has traveled 156 kilometers in the first three hours from place a to place B. at this speed, it takes eight hours from place a to place B. how many kilometers are there between place a and place B? (solve by proportion)

Suppose that the distance between a and B is x km. 1563 = X8 & nbsp; 3x = 156 × 8 & nbsp; X = 416; a: the distance between a and B is 416 km