It took five hours for a car to go from place a to place B, but its speed increased by 20% when it returned. What's the average speed of the car when () is used less?

It took five hours for a car to go from place a to place B, but its speed increased by 20% when it returned. What's the average speed of the car when () is used less?

Return time = 1 ÷ [1 / 5x (1 + 20%)] = 4 and 1 / 6 hours
Less 5-4 and 1 / 6 = 5 / 6 hours
The average speed of the round trip is 2 (5 + 4 and 1 / 6) = 12 / 55

It took six hours for the bus to go from place a to place B, and the speed of its return was 20% higher than that of its departure. How many hours did it take for the bus to return from place B to place a?

The speed of returning from B is (1 + 20%) times of that of going back
Because the distance is equal
So time is 1 / (1 + 20%) of going time
Namely: 6 / (1 + 20%) = 5 (hours)

It took five hours for a car to go from place a to place B, but the speed of the car increased by 20% when it returned, so it was less used___ Hours

Suppose the speed of the car is x, then the distance between a and B is 5x, and the return time is: 5x (1 + 20%) x = 416, so less 5-416 = 56

A car from a to B, increase the original speed of 1 / 5, only 6.5 hours to reach B. how many hours to plan to reach B?
Tell me why!
