When they set out, their speed ratio was 4:3. After the first meeting, a's speed increased by 10%. B's speed decreased by 20%. So when a arrives at B, B is 52km away from A. so how many km is the distance between AB and a?

When they set out, their speed ratio was 4:3. After the first meeting, a's speed increased by 10%. B's speed decreased by 20%. So when a arrives at B, B is 52km away from A. so how many km is the distance between AB and a?

When they meet, a takes 44 + 3 = 47, B takes 37; after speed increase, a's speed: B's speed = 4 × (1 + 10%): 3 × (1-20%) = 11:6; then the distance between a and B is 52 × (47-37 × 611) = 52 × (47-1877), = 52 × 2677, = 154 (km). A: the distance between a and B is 154 km

Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Party A travels 18 kilometers per hour and Party B 16 kilometers per hour. They meet at a distance of 5 kilometers from the midpoint,
Find the distance between AB and two places

170 km
Let them meet in X hours
The solution is: x = 5
Total distance = (18 * 5-5) * 2 = 170 km

Party A and Party B ride from both places at the same time. Party A travels 20 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 18 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the distance between them is 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the whole journey. How long is the whole journey? (draw a picture first, then answer)

3 × 2 (20-18) = 6 △ 2 = 3 (hours); (20 + 18) × 3 = 38 × 3 = 114 (kilometers); answer: the whole journey is 114 kilometers long

A and B ride from two places to each other. A travels 20 kilometers per hour, B travels 18 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the distance between them is 3 kilometers
How many kilometers are there between a and B? Why does a walk 6 kilometers more than B

Explanation: if two people just meet at the midpoint, the distance they travel is equal. As the title says, the speed of a is 2 kilometers faster than that of B. therefore, when they meet, the distance a travels will be more than that of B, so a will definitely exceed the midpoint. If the distance exceeds 3 kilometers, it means that a is faster than that of B in the whole journey