Two people walk from two places at the same time. A is 16 kilometers per hour, B is 65 kilometers per hour. A meets B 62.4 kilometers from the starting point. How far is ab from two places? Use two methods of solving equation and formula

Two people walk from two places at the same time. A is 16 kilometers per hour, B is 65 kilometers per hour. A meets B 62.4 kilometers from the starting point. How far is ab from two places? Use two methods of solving equation and formula

Let AB be x km apart, x-62.4 = 62.4 △ 16 × 65, x-62.4 = 3.9 × 65, x-62.4 = 253.5, x-62.4 + 62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4, x-62.4 + 62.4, x-62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4; X = 315.9, using the formula 62.4 △ 16 × 65 + 62.4, = 3.9 × 65 + 62.4, = 253.5 + 62.4, = 315.9 (km), answer: the distance between AB and ab is 315.9 km

Two people walk from two places at the same time. A is 16 kilometers per hour, B is 65 kilometers per hour. A meets B 62.4 kilometers from the starting point. How far is ab from two places? Use two methods of solving equation and formula

Let AB be x km apart, x-62.4 = 62.4 △ 16 × 65, x-62.4 = 3.9 × 65, x-62.4 = 253.5, x-62.4 + 62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4, x-62.4 + 62.4, x-62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4; X = 315.9, using the formula 62.4 △ 16 × 65 + 62.4, = 3.9 × 65 + 62.4, = 253.5 + 62.4, = 315.9 (km), answer: the distance between AB and ab is 315.9 km

Two people walk from two places at the same time. A is 16 kilometers per hour, B is 65 kilometers per hour. A meets B 62.4 kilometers from the starting point. How far is ab from two places? Use two methods of solving equation and formula

Let AB be x km apart, x-62.4 = 62.4 △ 16 × 65, x-62.4 = 3.9 × 65, x-62.4 = 253.5, x-62.4 + 62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4, x-62.4 + 62.4, x-62.4 = 253.5 + 62.4

A and B travel from two places at the same time. A travels 15 kilometers per hour by bicycle and B 34 kilometers per hour by motorcycle
A meets B 30 kilometers away from the departure. How many kilometers are there?

Meeting time: 30 △ 15 = 2 (hours)
Distance between the two places: (15 + 34) x2 = 98 (km)