A and B travel from a and B at the same time. It takes 6 hours for a to complete the whole journey. B's speed is 2 / 3 of a's. when they meet, a travels 18 kilometers more than B, What's the speed of B?

A and B travel from a and B at the same time. It takes 6 hours for a to complete the whole journey. B's speed is 2 / 3 of a's. when they meet, a travels 18 kilometers more than B, What's the speed of B?

When we meet, B's journey is also 2 / 3 of a's
When they met, a traveled 18 ^ (1-2 / 3) = 54 km
54 × (1 + 2 / 3) = 90 km
A speed 90 △ 6 = 15 km / h
B speed 15 × 2 / 3 = 10 km / h

Party A and Party B travel from two places at the same time. The whole journey of Party A is 6 hours. When Party A and Party B meet, the distance is 3:2. When Party A meets, Party A travels 18 kilometers more than Party B. how many meters does Party B travel per hour

Let B travel x meters per hour

Party A and Party B set out from a and B respectively, and walk towards each other. When they meet, the distance ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:3. If it takes 2 hours for Party A to finish the whole journey, then Party B will finish
The whole journey takes () hours

From the distance ratio when they meet, we can know that their speed ratio is 5:3, and their time ratio is 2:5. Because it takes two hours for a to finish the whole journey, the time for B is more than 2 times 5 / 3, which is personal analysis,

Car a and B start from a and B at the same time, and run in opposite directions. After 4 hours, they meet. After meeting, they still go at the same speed. After another 5 hours, car B arrives at a. by this time, car a has exceeded 90 kilometers from B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

It takes 4 + 5 = 9 (hours) for Party B to complete the whole journey. When meeting, Party B takes 49 times of the whole journey, and Party A takes 59 times of the whole journey, indicating that the speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:4. When Party B completes the whole journey, and Party A takes 54 times of the whole journey, the distance between a and B is 90 △ 54-1, = 90 △ 14, = 360 km. A: the distance between a and B is 360 km