The railway line from Lanzhou to Urumqi is about 1900km long. In a map, the distance between the two places is 5cm. What's the scale of this map? A train How fast can you get to Urumqi from Lanzhou at the speed of 160 km / h?

The railway line from Lanzhou to Urumqi is about 1900km long. In a map, the distance between the two places is 5cm. What's the scale of this map? A train How fast can you get to Urumqi from Lanzhou at the speed of 160 km / h?

The railway from Lanzhou to Urumqi is about 1900 kilometers long. On the map with a scale of 1:40 million, how long is it?

1900 km = 190000000 cm, 190000000 × 140000000 = 4.75 (CM); a: on a map with a scale of 1:40000000, its length is 4.75 cm

The railway from Lanzhou to Urumqi is about 1900 kilometers long. On the map with a scale of 1:40 million, how long is it?

1900 km = 190000000 cm, 190000000 × 140000000 = 4.75 (CM); a: on a map with a scale of 1:40000000, its length is 4.75 cm