To print a manuscript, it takes 8 hours for Party A to do it alone, and the efficiency of Party B to do it alone can be 20% higher than that of Party A. according to this calculation, Party B has to do a 4-hour task alone. If Party A does it alone, it will take a long time______ Hours

To print a manuscript, it takes 8 hours for Party A to do it alone, and the efficiency of Party B to do it alone can be 20% higher than that of Party A. according to this calculation, Party B has to do a 4-hour task alone. If Party A does it alone, it will take a long time______ Hours

18 × (1 + 20%) = 18 × 65 = 320320 × 4 △ 18 = 35 × 8 = 4.8 (hours), so the answer is: 4.8

How many centimeters of iron wire should be used to make a 10 cm cube frame? If a layer of paper is pasted on the outside of the cube frame, how many square centimeters of paper should be used at least?
Don't use this * symbol!

The length of the iron wire is the sum of the edge lengths of the cube
10 × 12 = 120 cm
The area of the paper, equal to the surface area of the cube, is:
10 × 10 × 6 = 600 square centimeter

1. The school is going to plant some trees, and it is planned to distribute them to the sixth grade and other grades according to the tree ratio of 3:5. As a result, the number of trees planted in the sixth grade accounts for 45% of the whole school, which is 18 more than the plan. How many trees does the school plan to plant?
2. How many grams of water is needed to dilute 30 kg of salt water with 15% salinity to 5% salinity?

2 30×85%÷5%-30
1 18 ^ (45% - 3 / 8)